El clima en Mar del Plata

El tiempo - Tutiempo.net

MDQ EnMardel

Project history

It all started in 1994 after I settled in the City of Mar del Plata, Argentina. I believed in the need to spread the word about this beautiful City, there was no Internet Network as we know it today, we used BBS (Bulletin Board System). That is why after installing a fixed line dedicated to a 1200 baud modem, I created SoftFree (it had 360 users), entering a single user at a time, with a local phone-to-phone call (DialUp), supported by a 386SX PC, a 2X cd drive and RA V2.0.2 software.
The emails were not like they are now, they were passed packed from node to node at 4 AM, from BBS to BBS (Red Fidonet) and at the expense of another local call. Of course everything in text mode, no images, that was all that could be done.
But I was not really reaching my goal, that is why I decided to create EnMardel®, to develop a "Tourist Encyclopedia" to show Mar del Plata on a CD. A task that took 3 years of investigation, searching for data, images, meetings, permits, obstacles, bureaucracy, debts, discussions and conflicts. Despite everything, my confidence in the project was stronger and it saw the light at the end of 1997, I had succeeded.
Even so, my intention was always to continue improving the project, at one point someone thought of it, why not plant a tree in the city for each CD?



Technology continues to advance, smartphones appear, therefore you have to adapt. In 2012 we developed the EnMardel® App that can currently be downloaded from the Google Play Store for free. With 1000 units of CDs produced at the Teltron company, the result was this: 70 units were sold and registered, 105 were in my possession and the rest were distributed in broadcast mode.


Our objetive. The ecology

We live in difficult times, of massive destruction to ourselves and the environment, that is why the objective of the creation of this Token is to be able to contribute and give back to nature, trees and thus be able to help have a better quality of life , with more oxygen, less droughts, more birds, etc.


How do I participate in this project?

In principle, buying and keeping the MDQ token in your wallet, which will allow you to obtain benefits with the transactions, in addition to contributing to the afforestation. (see distribution chart).

Why do this with blockchain technology

This is the new Internet, it is almost a “new industrial revolution”. The traditional network gave us Information, now it will give us Value, since when it is distributed it belongs to everyone, we will benefit from passive income, we will have more time to do what we like.
Unfortunately, this pandemic showed us how vulnerable we are and what needs to be changed.
Taking advantage of Blockchain technology gives us much more security on the network, since being a distributed protocol, it is almost impossible to be hacked, as it can result in a centralized platform.
That is why I invite you to participate in this project, it will be for the benefit of all, I hope I can count on you.


Token distribution plan


How can I buy the MDQ EnMardel cryptocurrency

The intention of the following explanation is for people who are just entering the crypto world, we recommend that they train through YouTube where there are excellent tutorials and clarify their doubts.
The first thing we must have is a virtual wallet in Metamask o TrustWallet, after creating an account and safeguarding the 12 words that the system will assign, always remember not to inform, or send ANYONE those words, since in case of forgetting the Access key will be the only way to recover your wallet and all your cryptocurrencies stored there, otherwise it will be impossible to recover your values. Please note that the crypto system is decentralized and no one (except you) is responsible for your assets.

After this procedure we suggest entering Binance, which is an exchange (something like a currency exchange house, but in this case of cryptocurrencies), where you must also create another account to be able to buy and sell different types of currencies. If you reside in Argentina, we recommend using the BUY CRYPT option and the P2P COMMERCE option, since due to the measures stipulated in this country it is the most convenient.
This option allows you to transfer Argentine pesos from a bank account to the purchase of the USDT cryptocurrency. This procedure would be like transforming your Argentine pesos into a blue dollar value, said currency is considered a stable cryptocurrency (stablecoin). It is important to clarify in this case that if by mistake you acquire the BNB directly, the value taken in Argentine pesos will be as stipulated by the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic, therefore you would be buying less USDT.


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Use this number of referrals for registration on Binance and let's win together!referidosbinance70

Once the money is transferred to the P2P seller, the latter will verify the accreditation in your bank account, release the USDT which will remain in the "centralized" Binace site, (in your wallet within the overview area). Subsequently, you must transfer your funds to the Sport wallet in order to now have their values ​​available to buy and sell different types of cryptocurrencies.
After this step, you must transform your USDT into BNB and only there you can withdraw your cryptos to your virtual wallet (Metamask or TrustWallet) you should always use the BEP20 NETWORK (BSC- Binance Intelligent Chain), if by mistake you choose another network, surely you will lose your cryptocurrencies.Once they have their BNB they must connect their wallet to PANCAKESWAP and exchange their BNB for MDQ.
It all seems very cumbersome, but it really is very easy, there is no need to panic. We highly recommend digging deep and learning this new technology thoroughly, which will give us significant passive income with very little effort, it really pays off.


Road map

First quarter 2022

  • We start with marketing
  • Sale to private
  • Website updates and improvements
  • Presale sale
  • NFT construction

Second quarter 2022

  • Launch of Original CDs NFT
  • Auction of original CDs from No. 100 to 80
  • Second marketing campaign
  • EnMardel App Enhancements
  • Website improvements

Third quarter 2022

  • Third marketing campaign
  • Auction of original CDs from No. 79 to 60
  • First burning of tokens
  • EnMardel App Enhancements
  • Website improvements

Fourth quarter 2022

  • Fourth marketing campaign
  • Auction of original CDs from No. 59 to 40
  • Coordination for afforestation
  • Second token burn
  • New developments

Private sale plan

The private sale is already open, all those who acquire the MDQ Token at this stage will be benefited with the lowest value. It is stipulated to be able to acquire up to a maximum limit of 5 BNB (Approximate value of a BNB u $ s 540.-) per purchase and there is no minimum investment, the initial value for each MDQ Token being 0,01 BNB. The cryptocurrencies will be blocked for 180 days, thus preventing the famous "whales" (read) from making the price of our asset fall sharply, selling them quickly in the market. Needless to say, the longer the MDQ Hodl (hold the Token) is made, the more value it will have and we will all benefit, as programming "rewards" such people.

Private sale plan

At this stage, the fixed value of the MDQ Token will be double that offered in the private sale (0,02 BNB). It is important to clarify that once the MDQ cryptocurrency is published, the sale will be open to the public with a value defined by the market itself.

WALLET: 0x9AA651Af800afc0488DffafBc334417ebCf20206

People interested in this proposal can communicate by WhatsApp (see footer) or by email sending their data for subsequent communication to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There is very little left for the global launch. Take advantage of making big profits!


ATTENTION: for people who are just starting out in the world of cryptocurrencies, I have included a special HELP area in this portal where you will find an introductory dictionary.

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